Enrollment » School Policies

School Policies


Northridge Middle School uses a variety of methods to communicate with parents, students, and staff.  Our website (northridgemiddleschool.org) provides information.   Once per week teachers read and post the weekly bulletin; it may be accessed on our website along with upcoming events.  Announcements are read over the P.A. and we use the Connect-Ed automated phone message system to inform parents of events and information weekly.  Flyers are sent home with students to inform parents of special events and meetings.  The student Agenda Planner is provided for parents, students and teachers to maintain daily communication regarding student behavior, academic performance and homework assignments.  The first one is free; additional are available in the Student Store and cost $5.


Visitors coming to school on official business must check in at the Main Gate or Main Office.  A staff member will determine the purpose of the visit and issue a Visitors Pass for approved visits after the visitor has signed in.  Students may not bring guests to visit.  Students who formerly attended NMS are not allowed on campus during school hours.

Library/Media Center

Our school Library/Media Center is available daily to all students when accompanied by their teacher.  There are books and other materials for recreational reading as well as academic assignments.  Students may use computers to access the Library’s collection.  To use any computer belonging to LAUSD, students must have a signed Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) form on file at the school.

Students may check out up to three items for a two-week period.  Overdue books may not be renewed.  For every school day an item is overdue, there is a 10¢ fine.

Due to the fiscal situation, we no longer have a Librarian.  If possible, the Library will sponsor reading activities and contests for students this year.   If possible, the Library may also have student volunteers to assist before school, at break, at lunch, or after school.

Student Store

The NMS Student Store is the place to purchase school supplies, including notebooks, book covers, paper, pens, pencils, folders, erasers, and other items.  Gym clothes and healthy snacks are also available.  The store is open for business before and after school as well as during break and lunch.

Health Office

The Health Office is located next to the Attendance Office.  The school nurse is on campus every day from 7:50 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.  The nurse will provide first aid and help with minor health problems.  Any on-campus injury should be reported to the Nurse immediately. 

All students must have an up-to-date emergency card on file in the Attendance Office.  We can release students from school only to individuals listed on the card by the student’s parent or legal guardian.  If a student is hurt at school, the emergency card is required for the student to receive emergency medical care.  At least three different phone numbers are requested so that we can reach someone immediately. 

Keep the nurse informed of any special health needs the student has and always keep the emergency card updated with accurate phone numbers and addresses.

Other than providing first aid, the school nurse is unable to offer any treatment or to provide medication unless there is a doctor’s written order on file.  Any medication to be taken at school, even over-the-counter medicines such as Tylenol, aspirin, etc. must be kept in the Health Office with a doctor’s note.  Students are not allowed to have any medications (other than asthma inhalers) in their possession at school. 

A doctor’s note is required for all of the following:

-to take medicine at school

-to be in school with a cast

-to be in school with crutches or wheelchair

-to carry an inhaler

-to be excused from P.E. for 3 or more days

-to explain any medical conditions and special needs of the student pertaining to school

-to be readmitted to school following hospitalization and after prolonged absences of more than four days

Attendance / Tardiness

A signed note from a parent/guardian or doctor must be taken to the Attendance Office when returning from an absence.  The office opens at 7:30 a.m; students are encouraged to turn in notes early so they will not be tardy to class.  Students who return from an absence without a note are required to call home to be readmitted that day, however, a note is required the following day. Students tardy to class may receive consequences.

Students may never leave campus without being signed out by the Attendance Office.  Students may only be released to an adult listed on the Emergency Card.

Tardy lockouts are conducted periodically at random to encourage promptness. Excessive tardies (3 or more unexcused)  may result in a “U” in Work Habits. Students who have three unexcused tardies in a class may work off one tardy over a two-week tardy-free period at the teacher’s discretion.  Tardies are cumulative for the entire semester.

Messages to Students

The school cannot assume the responsibility to deliver messages, forgotten lunches, textbooks, class projects, etc. to students during the school day.  Students should inquire in the Attendance Office to see if parents have delivered any materials for them if they have forgotten to bring something to school.




Each student is assigned a counselor who will provide academic guidance, make program changes, assist them and handle disciplinary concerns.  Counselors are available to help with personal and school problems.  Parents/guardians are always encouraged to contact teachers and/or the counselor when questions or concerns arise.

Grade Reports to Parents

Progress reports/report cards are mailed home every five weeks.  Parents should review these reports and communicate with teachers and/or counselors when questions or concerns arise.  To monitor student progress on a daily, weekly, or periodic basis, parents and teachers may use the daily planner for communication between home and the classroom.

All progress reports and report cards must be signed by a parent and returned to the Homeroom teacher.


In California, a set of textbooks is provided free of charge to each student.  Each book costs approximately $70 or more.  Books issued to students are to be covered and protected at all times.  They are on loan.

If a book is not returned when the teacher requests or when the student checks out of NMS, the student’s name will go on a textbook delinquency list until the book is paid for or returned.   The debts carry forward from year to year and also to the next school a student attends.  Students on delinquency lists are ineligible for special activities, including participation in the Culmination ceremony.

Students who damage texts by writing in them, mutilating them in any way or neglecting to provide basic care will be fined for the damages and their name will be on the delinquency list until the fine is paid.

Culmination Requirements

Participation in the Culmination ceremony is a privilege, not a right.  Any violation of school or District policy warrants the possible removal from eighth grade activities and/or the Culmination ceremony.  In addition, students must meet LAUSD

academic requirements including passing all classes with a mark of D or better and maintain satisfactory Work Habits and Cooperation.  Students become ineligible to participate if they receive two or more U’s in cooperation or a total of three or more U’s in works habits and cooperation for the year (combined).  Students must also clear all financial debts and other obligations to the school before being allowed to participate in the Culmination ceremony.

New district culmination requirements require students to earn credits in 8th grade as well as the following:  parents must attend at least two parent meetings each year, students may not have more than three discipline referrals each year and no more than 10 absences and 10 tardies each year.

Student Leadership Activities

The NMS Leadership class is comprised of elected and selected students.  The class is responsible for planning and organizing student-sponsored events.  Leadership activities include noontime activities, school fundraisers, campus recycling programs, dances and much more.


School photos are taken in the Fall. The Fall photo session requires parents to pay in advance if a picture packet is ordered; all students will receive an ID card at no charge.  If the ID card is lost, it will be replaced with a charge of $6. 

Hall Passes

Students are required to have an authorized pass any time they are out of class.  There are no exceptions.  Teachers will issue passes for valid reasons only.


Students may use the restrooms before and after school, at break, between classes, and during lunch.  No student should be in the restrooms during class without an authorized pass signed by the teacher.

Students are expected to keep the restrooms clean.  Dirty or damaged restrooms will be locked until repairs are made and anyone who vandalizes a restroom will be held financially responsible and face strong disciplinary consequences.

Lockers (P.E.)

The safety of your combination is your responsibility!  Do not give out your combination.  Lockers are a privilege so follow these rules in order to keep your locker privileges:

  • Be sure your locker is closed and locked when not in use.
  • Use only the locker assigned to you.
  • Do not share your locker with anyone.
  • Never leave anything of value in your locker.
  • If you have trouble with your P.E. locker, report it to your P.E. teacher. 


To help ensure the safety of all students at NMS, the following safety rules should be kept in mind:

  • We have a “hands off” policy:  Acts of violence, even when “just playing” are unacceptable.
  • Avoid accidents by following pedestrian and bicycle safety rules
  • Making threats is no joke—do not threaten with words or actions
  • Notify an adult immediately if you have a problem or a concern.

Bicycles, Skateboards, Rollerblades

  • Bike riders must wear a helmet (CA State Law)
  • Bikes may not be ridden on campus
  • Bikes, skateboards, and scooters must be locked in the bike racks
  • Skateboards, scooters, rollerblades, etc. are not allowed to be ridden at or near the school premises at any time.

Unauthorized Items

Games, sports equipment (including footballs, basketballs, soccer balls, etc.), toys, cameras, iPods/MP3s, electronics, and dangerous objects are not permitted. No spray items (cologne, deodorant, hair color, etc.) are permitted.   No permanent markers are permitted.  Picture taking is not permitted.  Cell phones may only be used before and after the school day.  These items will be confiscated from the student if improperly used on campus. They may only be claimed by a parent/guardian within 30 days.  School is not responsible for loss.


At the beginning of each semester, the counselors and administrators meet with students in Physical Education classes.  During this meeting, students are made aware of their responsibility for knowing and following school rules.

Serious infractions will result in a suspension, arrest and/or transfer to another school and/or expulsion.  These also include classroom disruptions that affect the learning environment.

The following behaviors are prohibited and will result in discipline:

  • Defiance of school personnel
  • Assault and/or battery upon a student or school personnel
  • Profanity or vulgarity
  • Smoking or having tobacco or smoking paraphernalia including electronic cigarettes or hookah pipes
  • Use, possession, or sale of narcotics or drugs, or any alcoholic beverages
  • Stealing or being in possession of stolen items
  • Fighting or facilitating a fight
  • Harassment/sexual harassment or hazing or students or school personnel
  • Bullying (of any kind)
  • Possession or use of explosives and fireworks including caps, poppers, and firecrackers
  • Forgery of notes, signatures, excuses, passes, or other school documents

School is dismissed every Tuesday at 1:31 pm.  Tuesday is our Professional Development and Common Planning day.  Faculty/staff participate in training and/or meetings on Tuesdays.